What we have here is a really cool new band. A mixture of doom, death, and black metal and heaviness galore! These guys really took me by surprise. I was not really expecting to like this disc as much as I do. I'd heard that these guys played some pretty scary and dark music, but seeing that they lived in Florida, I was skeptical. I was surprised again! This record is very dark and haunting. You'd think they lived oversees in Europe somewhere where there are dark forests and castles everywhere. The intro starts off with spooky sounding piano with a "cold" wind whistling in the background. A voice then comes in and talks of the old days of castles, kings, and queens. "Foretold Gathering" is the first real song and I love it! This song has an awesome feel to it. It is very dark and heavy. Yeti uses a good amount of samples on this record and they have picked some really good ones. The first one is at the beginning of this song. Two guys are talking about how if you stab a man in the dead of winter you can see the steam rise from his chest...and Indians believed this was the soul escaping from the body. Creepy stuff. The vocals are mainly deathly growls, but are very solid. This song has a killer guitar solo towards the end that really caps off a terrific song. "The Awakening" is next and it starts with another cool sample from Return of the Jedi, with Luke talking to Yoda. The opening guitar part is downright awesome. Very powerful and it set the stage for yet another great tune. These guys feel more doomy to me than anything else, but it's not always really slow though. There are some guest vocals on "I Walk Among the Dead" that are more of a throaty scream and they are mixed in with the growling vocals. There are basically only 4 songs on this album and then the intro but it still clocks in at over 32 minutes. The songs are long, but not boring at all. They also use keyboards to very good use on this album to add atmosphere and emotion. The CD is a picture disc, and has a cool photo on it to scare your parents with. The only downpoints are that there are no lyrics printed in the CD booklet and of course, at 32 minutes, it's over all to soon. Hence the fact that they call it an EP. At $12 from Cross Rhythms, it may seem a little pricy, but I definitely think it is worth the money. I can't wait to hear their next full length. If you want an idea what they sound like, go to MP3.com where they have the full length song "Foretold Gathering" available for download. (Review by Matt)