I've been a Stavesacre fan since they first put out "Friction." Awesome songs like "Threshold", "Loader", and "At the Moment" are still some of my favorite Stavesacre songs. "Absolutes" was a bit different, but I still loved it. I can still remember the first day I listened to it in the summer of 1997. Finally, two and a half years later, "Speakeasy" enters into my CD player. This disc still has the signature Stavesacre sound, but it seems to be a far cry from the early days of "Friction." I can't really put my finger on it though. It's way different, but extremely familiar. Anyways...I really like this CD. It takes longer to grab you than the other two releases, but once it does, you get sucked in, and the ride is quite delightful. They still have the heavy edge that they've always had, they've just branched out a bit. Mark's vocals are still as powerful as ever, and Dirk, Jeff, Ryan, and Sam do a magnificent job of slamming out the tunes. Songs like "Minuteman" and "You Know How It Is" rock hard, while songs like "Gold and Silver" and "Keep Waiting" slow things down a tad. Speaking of "Gold and Silver", this song is absolutely beautiful and the lyrics are extremely well done. In fact, all the lyrics on this album are great. Be sure to check them out on the Stavesacre website (www.stavesacre.com), even if you don't buy the album. Songs like "Sundown Motel" and "Freefall" will have you singing along hours after you've stopped playing this disc. I don't really find any song that I dislike or that gets on my nerves to where I hit the skip button. It just seems that Stavesacre gets more mature and more consistent each time they release a new album. "Speakeasy" is probably my favorite album of the three so far. (Review by Matt)