Saint has been one of my favorite bands for years. These guys have such an amazing classic sound, though they've been compared to other bands, I've not heard any that stand up to them. This second album from them is definitely straight out of the 80's; layers of guitars, hammering guitar solos, bold song titles and an eye-catching album cover. On this record they center most of the songs around the book of Revelation, in other words "Time's End." Lyrically the songs are darker, yet very artistic in what they're singing about. You won't find any cheesy stuff on this album. Eight of the tracks are hard rockin' metal tunes and one (Through You) is somewhat slower but has a great long guitar solo. This album was extremely hard to find and out-of-print for years. I remember seeing it listed in catalogs from $49 to $150! Fortunetely, Saint remastered and released their first three albums on a double disc set back in 1997, it too is out-of-print. More recently M8 re-released Time's End with some bonus live tracks. I've listened to this album probably more than any other Christian metal album I own and have never burned myself out on it. The only drawback is that it only has 9 songs and clocks in at 37 minutes and 54 seconds, though when listening to it, it sounds longer. Best Songs: "Island Prisoner," "Space Cruiser" and "Through You." (Review by Gary)