Rob Rock, the former lead singer of Impelletteri, blesses us with a solo album that although different at times, will certainly excite those who were crushed by his departure from the above mentioned band. As expected, the vocals here are powerful and everything you've come to expect by Rob Rock. Surrounding himself by quality musicians like Roy Z, Jake E. Lee, and Butch Carlson hasn't hurt things either. As with a lot of albums I've listened too lately, the first half of the album is stronger than the second half. But as is also the case on many other albums, the second half is still quite good. Standout cuts include "The Sun Will Rise Again", "One Way Out", "Streets of Madness", the super-heavy "Judgment Day", and a great cover of ABBA's "Eagle". The lyrics are very well done and mostly Christ-centered. No songs about Y2K or Speed Demons. Topics include of course, judgment day and the tribulation, putting the past behind you, and the evils of the media. On a couple songs like "All I Need" and "Media Machine", Rob's vocals sound like he's doing his Michael Sweet impression. Not distracting, but something I never noticed in an Impelletteri song. If your an Impelletteri maniac or if you just like good ol' heavy metal, Rob Rock will be something worth checking out. The song "One Way Out" is on the latest Cross Rhythms (Blastbeats) sampler #4 if you want a sample of what this disc has to offer. (Review by Matt)