Well, after a long three years, P.O.D. has finally released their first full length since "Brown." On first listen, a few cuts really stood out, but overall, I was not very impressed. This probably has to do with all the hype surrounding this release. However, after numerous listens, they start to suck you in to their ferocious brand of rapcore. Standout cuts have to be "Outkast", "Southtown", and their cover of U2's "Bullet the Blue Sky." All three songs are extremely heavy and showcase Sonny's commanding vocals. Especially the rapping in "Outkast" - very well done. P.O.D. puts a lot of variety on their albums, but I think they succeed best in songs like these, along with the song "Lie Down." I especially like the lyrics in "Outkast." "Brother take my hand, Let's separate ourselves, Leave behind this place, Don't ever look back." Then the song ends with screams of "Brace yourself like a man!" A wake up call it seems to all "timid" Christians who try to hang on to the things of the world. They even do a reggae-type song on this record called "Set Your Eyes to Zion." My wife even likes this song and she hates P.O.D. One song that kinda gets on my nerves is "Rock the Party." The music is awesome, but the lyrics of "let's rock this party all night long" seem a little shallow compared with P.O.D.'s usual serious lyrics on the rest of the album. This disc is definitely a must have for all rapcore fans. It seems to get better with each listen. P.O.D. will definitely make a big splash with this, their first album on secular label, Atlantic Records. (Review by Matt)