Overcome is probably one of the most respected, yet most underrated hardcore bands in Christian music. Learning a while ago that the band is calling it quits makes this last full length a must if you've ever liked this awesome band. In my personal opinion, although being amazingly consistent throughout the years, I feel this is Overcome's best album. Every song on this record is very strong. The vocals and instrument playing are very well done. The production isn't world class, but it is good enough to crank and have a very enjoyable listen. I think this is also probably their heaviest album of the ones they've put out. The only time they deviate from this is the song "Reverence", which is an amazing song. The song is acoustic guitar and piano throughout, but with the hardcore vocals. This sounds like a bad mix, but works very well here. The screams of "You're wonderful. I'm powerless in your arms!", just bleed with emotion and praise to God. Other standout cuts are "Conversion" with it's passionate screams of "Wash me in Your blood!", and "Child's Dead Innocence" with its cool intro, not unlike something you'd hear off Zao's "Liberate..." album. Heck, this whole album is great...when I try to list best songs, I just want to list them all. Lyrically, the guys in Overcome once again serve up a stellar performance. In fact, in the notes at the end they say that they "hope the record makes you uncomfortable with your life and causes you to fall before God." Most songs either deal with praising God or with confronting struggles and sins that so easily defeat people day in and day out. The only downer here is that the album ends too quickly at only 37 minutes. Don't worry though, it is 37 minutes of extreme intensity that will leave you gasping for breath afterwards. Truly a band that will be dearly missed. (Review by Matt)