Narnia's "Desert Land" was an absolutely masterpiece. However, that wasn't the first fine album they released. They had two others previous and one of them is the amazing "Long Live the King". I absolutely love this band and this album does nothing but please these ears. They play an awesome style of classic/power metal. The music here is not as heavy as "Desert Land" and there are more keyboards, but do not let that stop you from getting it. The keys are really well done, sometimes sounding like a lot of keys I've heard on black metal albums and sometimes sounding like Saviour Machine. Now, Saviour Machine and black metal this band is not, but they are definitely worthy of attention.
When I listen to this album I just get caught up in it. It's catchy hooks and easy to remember choruses will have you singing it long after the album is finished. And CarlJohan Grimmark's guitar playing is absolutely breaktaking with lots of great solos. The production is great, the packaging is great, and the lyrics are very bold for Christ. Best songs include "Living Water", "The Lost Son", "Long Live the King", and "The Mission". Although there is not a bad song on the disc. One big difference between the European release and the Japenese release is that the Japenese release does not have the song "Star Over Bethlehem", but has a song called "Can't Get Enough of You". I've had the priviledge of hearing both songs and they both are equally good, so regardless of which release you get, you'll be happy. This band is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. If you're into Seventh Avenue, Wisdom Call or similar bands, be sure to check out Narnia. (Review by Matt)