GROMS, which means "God Rules Over My Soul", has put out one fantastic death metal album. The band hails from Norway, and we all know that Norway usually means quality when talking of death or black metal. The music here is very tasty and original. Very thick and powerful. This is a CD you will want to crank very loud. The production is very good, except for the last song "The Just Shall Live By Faith" which is a song off a demo they did about 6 months before this album. Even though that last song is a good one, it's amazing how much they improved in 6 months! Oyvind Haugland's vocals are what really set this band apart. His growling is some of the best you'll hear. It doesn't sound forced or fake. He does it so well that you'd think that this is the way he would talk all the time. The music as I said is very good as well. Nice and technical like good death metal should be. These guys can slow it down to almost a doom sound, but then kick it in to gear with the best of them. There are no sub-par songs to speak of, but a couple do stand out, like "No One" and "The Riddle". The lyrics are very good and very bold. The main focus on most of the lyrics is wisdom and salvation. Too bad this band broke up after just one album cause we could use some more quality death metal in the Christian music scene. This is a 1994 release, but does not sound dated at all, so don't hesitate to pick it up because of when it was put out. "Ascension" has been re-released twice, with different artwork both times. The first issue (which I have) has the best artwork of the three. (However, the cover I show is the third release, not the cover I have.) Not a whole lot to complain about here. It you can find this album, don't pass it up. (Review by Matt)