I still remember the first time I heard about this band. I was standing in the line at Wal-Mart in Moore, OK. and a guy in the line beside kept staring at me. Finally, he started walking towards me and I was like, what's this guy's problem. He got to me and asked if I liked Zao. I looked down at the Zao shirt I was wearing and said yes. He then proceeded to tell me about this great local band called Gears of Redemption. "They don't sound like Zao, but you've got to check them out." I never did, and now I'm sorry that I let all that time pass without checking them out. This band, who lives about 3 blocks away from the house I grew up in, has grown on me a lot in the last few weeks that I've been listening to them. I really like their awesome aggro-metal/hardcore style. They are compared to some rapcore bands, but that is not really their style at all. Just a few parts in a few songs do they ever really lean towards rapped vocals. "Automatically" (the only song I don't like) is rapped all the way through. Other than that this disc rules. The grooves are massive, the production is superb, the CD artwork is very professional, and the lyrics are just about as bold as they come. Like I said, there is only one song that isn't great. My favorites would be "My Life", "This is Me", and "Damage Done". All around, this is a solid first release. If you are into bands like Nailed Promise, Travail, Project 86, and maybe even P.O.D., you should have no problem getting into Gears of Redemption. (Review by Matt)