New from Pluto Records is the split between Dreaming of the Fifth and Evelynn. Both hail from the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but that is where any similarities cease. These two talented bands are like night and day. Dreaming of the Fifth starts off this split CD with its brand of rock that mixes elements of bands like Roadside Monument, Joe Christmas, and Puller among others. The band sounds like they would've fit in nicely back in the late '90's with the above mentioned bands. The band doesn't sound like a copy of those bands, but style wise, if you like those bands it's pretty safe to say you'll like Dreaming of the Fifth. The band goes for that soft verse, harder chorus feel. Not extremely heavy by any means, but enough to keep you from going to sleep. They also mix in some piano and electronic drum beats to keep the variety going. The urgent vocals are well done and the production is good as well. Unfortunately, there are no lyrics printed in the CD booklet, but the vocals are easy to understand so that doesn't really pose a problem. Best songs are "Couldn't Make the A Team" and "Wonderland". This style is not my cup of tea, but the band is pretty good at what they do and I'm sure will appeal to many music lovers out there.
Up next is the exact opposite of Dreaming of the Fifth. Evelynn is their name, and "brutal and insane" is their game. This metalcore band lays down some very heavy and aggressive tunes. The band will occasionally throw in some calmer parts, but then rips your head off with intensity when the whole band kicks back in. Overall, the band sounds eeriely close to Zao, with touches of Training for Utopia and Luti-Kriss thrown in for good measure. "1020 Holly" and "Smiley Face" sound like they could've been B-Side songs on the "Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest" album by Zao. Then "Truth Beloved" has some strong similarities of "Modus Operandi" from TFU's split. Despite the strong similarities, this band is very interesting and will certainly appeal to fans of Zao, TFU, and Luti-Kriss, and probably even Living Sacrifice fans. Best songs would be "1020 Holly" and "Truth Beloved". The lyrics again are not printed in the CD booklet, but thankfully the band has put them on their website which you can find through a link on Pluto Record's website. Production on Evelynn's half is equally as good.
Not an extremely original sound by either band, but for fans of the other bands I mentioned this would be a fine addition to your collection. Both bands are planning on recorded new full lengths in early 2002, so get an early jump and pick up this 10-song split now. (Review by Matt)