Brighter Death Now - Kamikaze Kabaret
Pulsing...throbbing...mesmerizing...mind-numbing...yes, this is Brighter Death Now. After the short intro, the music starts in track number 2. About 10 seconds in, you will know for 100% positive whether you will love or hate this album. This is not an album for those who prefer brutal guitars and pounding drums. This is not an album for those who prefer melody. No, this is an album for those who know, understand, and love the noise industrial genre. This bass-heavy album is chock full of hypnotizing, looping sounds, samples, screeching, screaming vocals, and every annoying noise known to man. Brighter Death Now does not mess around. They are dark, terrifying, and....well, annoying at times. This is brutal stuff, but brutal in a much different sense of the word then your average heavy metal band. As for the genre itself, this is pretty good stuff, but I'm much more inclined to enjoy myself a good dose of Mental Destruction, as they tend to be more creative within each song and I'd have to give them the edge in harshness as well. Regardless, this is some extreme stuff that is definitely not for everyone.
Since I only have a promo of this, I have no lyrics to check out and most of the vocals are indecipherable. I also cannot comment on any artwork, but the front artwork seems to be somewhat explicit. Not too surprising considering Cold Meat gets a kick out of that kinda stuff for some unknown reason. All immaturity aside...this is a very cool musical release.
Rating: 75/100
Review: Matt Morrow
Label: Cold Meat Industry
Total Songs: 10
Total Time: 56:25
Tracklisting: 1. Intro, 2. Oh Baby, 3. Crimescene Nostalgia, 4. Destroy, 5. Testing, 6. Big Happy Family, 7. Washing Day, 8. While You Sleep, 9. Take Me Away, 10. Outro.
Best Songs: Tracks 4 & 5.
Band Lineup: Roger Karmanik
Band Website: