Okay, so this is a relatively new album, but it's one of the "80's Metal Retro Night" M8 CD's, so you'll find some good early Bride material here. Most of the songs are from their first three albums. I've heard quite a few "live" recordings from Bride and I have to say this is one of their best. It's cool that Bride was a part of the 80's night. I would have loved to have been at this concert! Dale can still pull off his high pitched screaming, but sings most of the songs a few keys lower than the original recordings. Troy uses a lot of the older style effects with his guitar work. Apart from their classics, there's also some rockin' church hymn songs like "Amazing Grace," and "I Saw The Light," to name a few. "Under The Influence" is rather lengthy and Dale even does the "rap" part from "Evil Dreams" during the song. This live album contains 14 tracks (9 songs from the concert with 2 spoken tracks and the last three are from "Bride Live Vol.1) and is definetly worth getting for those that like the early sounds of Bride. Gary's Best songs: "Until The End We Rock," "I Saw The Light," "Under The Influence," and "I Have Decided." (Review by Gary)