It's always exciting to stumble across that quality band that has been around a while, but for some reason you've never heard of. Bleakwail hails from Finland and their "Songs of Sorrow" EP has been receiving some significant playtime in my CD player lately. Bleakwail classifies their music as Christian gothic dark metal. They mix black metal and goth for a combination that comes across very well, as these five songs really grab my attention and keep me coming back for more.
Now, I have heard TONS of complaints about this band. Many of my good friends hate the band and say they suck. I wholeheartedly disagree. Yes, they have a few kinks to work out, but this is a band that I am really enjoying. My personal opinion is that most of the people that don't like them have more of a problem with the corpse paint that they wear then anything to do with the music itself. Granted, they don't do as good a job with the corpse paint as Antestor does, but this is no Demoniciduth.
On to the music...From the brutal black metal and horrifying vocals, to the calmer passages with very deep and haunting clean vocals, I'm hearing a band that has some great potential. The black vocals that I mentioned are one of the strong points of the band. The vocals are just plain agonizing in the way they sound. Very excellent! The clean vocals are decent, but could use some work. The mix in some higher pitched vocals that need to be canned. The deeper vocals are good, but could stand to be a big more dark in spots. Musically, the band seems to be pretty good. They mix it up quite frequently between the blazing black metal to the slow and somber gothic parts. The lyrics are very worshipful and very maturely written. Production is fairly well done and the packaging is good for an indie. However, I HATE the front cover. Talk about mega bad. This artwork does not fit the music in the slightest bit. They definitely need to go for a more darker image next time around. As far as best songs go, I'd have to go with "Veni Sancte Spiritus" and "A Bleak Wail".
This band is not yet in the ranks of bands like Antestor or Slechtvalk, but if they stay the course, I could definitely see Bleakwail making huge waves in the extreme metal scene in the very near future. You should be able to pick this disc up at or visit their website at It's only 5 songs, but clocks in at over 30 minutes. (Review by Matt)