This is one of those albums that I put off buying time and time again and finally when I bought it I couldn't believe that I had waited so long. Biogenesis lays down some really impressive heavy metal in huge mix of styles which I would call a progressive thrash/death sound. These guys have got to be one of the most promising new acts in Christian metal today. Although they have many influences from other bands, they have an original sound that is all their own. Musically, they are really technical and heavy, with tons of awesome riffs that are as heavy as a load of bricks. Vocally, Chaz Bond does quite a job of mixing many different approaches that work surprisingly well together. From some clean vocals ala Saviour Machine or Deliverance, to some thrashy yell vocals ala Steve Rowe (only MUCH better), to some deathly growls (which I really enjoy!). Overall, I'd say that Biogenesis is what Steve Rowe dreams that Mortification should sound like, yet with Mort it comes out much different and not half as powerful.
Lyrically, Bio pulls no punches attacking subjects such as abortion, fortune telling, and Buddah. The top songs here are easily "I Am the One" and "Inner Child". "I Am the One" just reeks of emotion. I've occasionally had tears in my eyes listening to this songs and it's cries of "I am the one who carried the burden of your loss/I am the one who took your wrongs/and nailed them to the cross/I am the one who was hurting when you cried/I am the one who loved you/even after you denied." This is no ballad though. This is a massive song that needs to be heard by all metal fans. The song seems to end at one point, then a soft acoustic guitar comes in. It doesn't stay long though as the pace picks up extremely with a mosh-fest ending that is accompanied by a crazy guitar solo. "Inner Child" as I mentioned is another great song. It is also an emotion-filled song that has a very memorable hook that you'll be singing for days.
The artwork is also very well done, which I believe was done by Samuel Durling. Production is also stellar. Overall, I can't see anyone passing up this release. I am greatly looking forward to their next release "Peace, Love, and Hypocrisy" which should be out in 2003. Very impressive!! (Review by Matt)