If you've ever wondered what Eternal Decision might sound like if they drank 7-Up instead of Mountain Dew, then Awake would probably be what you would've thought up. Now I've never thought anything like that until now, but since we are on the subject let's discuss it a little. Half of Eternal Decision's vocal duo, Dave Perkins, is the frontman here in this Oklahoma based band. The music is much more laid back than Eternal Decision, but it is by no means a wimpy album or it wouldn't be getting reviewed on this website. The music is still nice and heavy just not as crazy as E.D. I sense a little Everdown influence in a few songs, but for the most part Awake sounds like a cross between Eternal Decision, Plankeye, and Stavesacre. On the first three songs you probably won't catch on to any Stavesacre influence, but starting with "Who Am I" (my favorite song on the disc), you'll start to hear a big musical influence the rest of the way with Mark Salomon and Co. Note I did say musical cause the vocals are way different sounding. The vocals here are very full of emotion like Dave Perkins is singing from the pit of his insides. At times this really adds great things to a song, but it can also get a little old when you hear the same inflections song after song. A little more variation would've been nice. The lyrics are very, very bold. "Who am I" has some of my favorite lines..."If I would have hung on the cross with these nails drove through my hands. If I would have wore my crown of thorns. I might think again before I fall". SO true when we take for granted the suffering that Christ went through for us. The song ends..."Who am I to take the love You give for granted? Who am I to ask You to die for the same sins? Who am I to put You on that cross again?..." Great stuff!
The weird thing about this album is that one day I absolutely love it and the next day I get bored with it. Then the next day I love it again. Kinda weird. Overall, it's not an extremely flashy or groundbreaking album, but a very solid one. An emotional cry to God that begs to be heard. One that strikes deep and demands a response. (Review by Matt)