Unshackled - by Marc Corliss

The rattle of the chains is deafening

The clinking metallic links haunt my soul

Thick steel grips at my ankles and wrists

The burden of this imprisoned life takes it's toll 

The weight of their confinement is unbearable

My body void of strength, barely able to move

Languishing near the outskirts of death

Enslaved in these shackles that I cannot remove 

My hopes of freedom are fleeting fast

My dreams of release are dying

Weakness dominates me, I cannot break free

Lost and alone I am left bleakly crying 

Out of the darkness a blinding light then appears

Within the light walks a figure of great majesty

As the light bathes my body, my strength is reborn

Despair now replaced with the hope of being free 

"My name is Jesus and I am the Christ"

Speaking in a powerful yet soothing voice

"I have come with authority to set all captives free

Out of my love for you I give you this choice 

Your freedom is at hand if you believe upon me

Your spirit I will strengthen, your soul I will fill

I will show you wonders beyond all you can dream

But you must accept me of your own free will" 

"Yes I believe, I accept you dear Lord

I believe in your power for my release

I will follow you 'til the ends of time

And tell others of your love, strength and peace" 

Jesus stretched his pierced hand toward me

Touching the shackles on my bound wrists and feet

A powerful surge obliterated them to pieces

Instantly my soul was now made complete 

With gratitude and love I fell at his feet

Weeping tears of joy for the freedom he gave

He picked me up and embraced me tightly

I must tell others of his power to save 

Jesus forever now walks by my side

He's closer to me then the air that I breathe

Living now by his strength and power

Unshackled from the chains that once enslaved me

(By Marc Corliss:  marc@bloodboughtrecords.com )