Undish is a Polish gothic metal band and they released this, their debut album, on Massacre Records in 1997. This is a very solid album that will appeal to fans of Wedding Party and Saviour Machine. Undish actually toured with Saviour Machine and Theatere of Tragedy a few years ago. Is it good? Well, not as good as Saviour Machine. I would say that at times they are a little better than Wedding Party, but at times I would say that Wedding Party would be stronger. Overall, I really like it though. The music is extremely somber and depressing. Where Wedding Party would have more worshipful songs, Undish's music is more sorrowful sounding. The music gets heavy at times, but nothing really extreme. There are quite a few slower parts with lots of keyboards, so extreme headbangers could get bored, but those of us with patience will find tons to enjoy. The male and female vocals, which are shared by Ada Szarata and Robert Baum, are very haunting. Both are very well done. The lyrics are very good although they are not printed in the booklet. Most are easily discernable, but sometimes their polish accent make a few words hard to comprehend. The production and artwork are also very good.
Best songs would be "I'm Sorry", "Someone..", and the instrumental "Reflection...Part Two". The band has also released an album following this one called "Letters from Earth" but unfortunately I've yet to hear anything from it. This album is pretty difficult to find, but if you like goth and can locate a copy, it's worth it. (Review by Matt)