Compilations can be really bad sometimes. However, every once in a while you come across a really good one. Well, "In the Shadow of Death" is a really good one. Seventy-five minutes of extreme music from Scandinavia make for one very happy reviewer. Nine of the 15 songs on here are previously unreleased songs, so you're not just getting a bunch of re-hashed tunes. Group #1 is Parca Pace with "Chrysalis". Parca Pace (if I remember correctly) is a project by Jan of Sanctum. This is just a short 90 second industrial intro. Vaakevandring is next with "Fall of Man". This is a totally awesome black metal song! It is very fast and chaotic. The black vocals are very well done with female "opera" style vocals thrown in for good measure. They also use keyboards very effectively. Definitely, one of the best unreleased songs on this CD. Lengsel is next with "Revival" from their "Solace" release. All of you who didn't buy "Solace" are given a chance here to listen, repent, and then go buy that masterpiece. "Revival" is one of the best tracks off their album. Very fast black metal with some haunting clean vocals at the end that sound really cool. Schaliach makes their return here with "Purple Filter". Schaliach could basically be called Extol's half-brother. Ole Borud, who previously played in Extol, does all the instruments here. There are many Extol influences in both the music and even the vocals. Schaliach is proof that music can be extremely brutal yet beautiful at the same time. Very melodic death metal at its finest. Here's hoping for a full-length release soon. Sanctum is next with "Stone". This is a great industrial song from Mental Destruction's label mates. The song is not heavy at all, but does showcase Jan's vocals in a great way. Sometimes they are soft spoken vocals and at other times she belts it with her beautiful voice. Very haunting and ominous. Long song, but if you like industrial, you'll like it. Crimson Moonlight is next with "Blood Covered My Needs". This is yet another amazing black metal band. Very fast and chaotic. They do a cool stop in the middle where Pilgrim says something in Swedish, then they rip right back into the song. They use keyboards very effectively and also incorporate a cool acoustic outro. Antestor is next with "Spiritual Disease" from their "Martyrium" release. Kinda some doomy death metal with some black influences. Nicely used keyboards as well. I prefer the material from their "The Return of the Black Death" release better, but this is still a great song. The mighty Extol is next with the European version of "Inferno". The only difference from this and the American version is a industrial outro by Sanctum. I'm not sure which ending I like better. Regardless, this is an amazing song. Very technical, very heavy, breath-taking vocals and music. What can I say...it's Extol. Mental Destruction is next with "Your Dying Soul". I love this band's music, that they title "Orthodox Industrial". Basically, all it is is lots of odd noises, crashes, screeches and some extremely harsh vocals, but I love it. This is my favorite industrial band by far and this is a great song off their "Straw" album. Anaemia comes next with "The Second Incarnation". Great heavy metal song with thrashy/death vocals that are very discernable. They also have a killer guitar solo in this song that I love. Sanctifica is next with "Riket (The Empire)", the lead-off track on their "Spirit of Purity" album. This is top-notch black metal. It starts off very fast with a long growl/screech, but settles down into more of a mid-paced tempo. These guys are great musicians. The lyrics are sung in Swedish. Vardoger is next with "Footprints of Thunder". This is a new band to me. I really like them a lot though. It's some great black metal. The vocals are done by Peter of Schaliach. Has some haunting clean vocals and creepy keyboards that spice up the song. Only complaint is that the song ends way to early. I want to hear more! Absurd is next with "Wisdom". I don't really know what to think of this song. It doesn't really fit with the rest of the CD. Sometimes they get heavy with some black-like vocals and sometimes they get quirky & fast-paced with some annoying vocals. I think they should stick to the heavy side. I've heard comparisons to Believer. I can see where Believer influences come in, but this band is definitely not in the same class as Believer. They got talent, I'm just not too thrilled with how they use it. And golly, the ending is CHEESY! Hit the skip button. Drottnar saves the day after a little bit of a let-down. "Trellebaand Maa Briste" is a kick-butt black metal tune. Very fast, very chaotic. The sound is a little on the high end though. A very dark sounding song that lasts over 6 minutes. I love great songs that last a long time. Nebulon ends out the CD with "Enough". This is some more great industrial. Kind've a cross between Circle of Dust and Mental Destruction. I hear more Mental Destruction influence than anything else. In the vocals and music. I would not be suprised at all if Samuel Durling is behind this mysterious band. At the very least, I'd say he produced the song. In closing, I say that if you like extreme music in the slightest bit than you must get this CD. Even if you already have all the previously released songs. The unreleased songs are good enough to warrant spending your hard-earned cash. The only down points? No lyrics. Some bands have pictures...but some don't. And the Absurd song. Despite these minor mistakes, the positives are so good that I'm giving this release a rating of 10 anyway. Go get it! (Review by Matt)